Occurrence of the First Toxic Microcystis Bloom in a Recent Moroccan Reservoir
In order to understand initial conditions that promote the first occurrence of a Microcystis aeruginosa bloom and to evaluate its toxic potential, we studied spatio-temporal dynamics of phytoplankton, including Microcystis, microcystins concentrations, the relative proportion of potentially microcystin producing cells and physicochemical parameters in the recently setup Moroccan reservoir “Yaacoub Al Mansour.” High summer temperatures, thermal stability, hydrological stability of the water column and the decrease of nutrient contributions seem to be the major environmental factors responsible of this first bloom occurrence. Despite the low cellular abundance, high microcystins concentrations, associated with low percentage of toxic strains, were measured. Thus, microcystins analysis and associated management of the reservoir are necessary from the beginning of the setup and can help managers to find the better environmental strategy against early cyanobacteria proliferations.